Week 4, Part 1: Design/Branding/Aesthetics
The four sites I decided to analyze in regards to design, branding, and aesthetics were: Penny Juice, Jami Lin, Apple, and Toyota. The first two, Penny Juice and Jami Lin were the two I had some issues with, while Apple and Toyota were more aesthetically pleasing to me.
Penny Juice’s website looks a bit outdated to me which gives it a bit of an unprofessional look. There aren’t very many clickable links and most of the information is on one or two pages. One way to improve this site, in my opinion, would be to add more links to the drop down menu. This would give a more organized feel by breaking up the information into specific, curated categories.
JaminLin’s website has wayyyyyy too much going on. There’s no clear, specific goal of the site which can be confusing to consumers. If you don’t know what to look for, this site could be a bit overwhelming. To improve this website, I would break down all of the different menu bar items into a few specific categories to simplify it and give the consumer less confusing options to look at. I would also get rid of the random stuff on the sides of the page as you scrol and make a separate page for them.
The two websites that I found to be aesthetically pleasing and very on-brand were: Apple and Toyota. Both of them are simple, don’t have random colors going on that aren’t cohesive, and focus on what the consumer is looking for. These aspects impact my reaction to the websites by giving the impression that they know their consumer and what they’re there for.
Well said.... your blog setup is by far the best I have seen in this class. Very good work; professional quality.