Week 1: My Template
How do you decide on a template? Do you focus more on the layout and structure or is it more about the aesthetics (colors, graphics, etc)? Both are equally important, but as of now I personally am going off of Aesthetic due to the fact that I don’t have content yet.
I chose the “Soho” theme. From there, I played with the font/background/etc colors until I found a few I thought would work. The main colors I’m using are greyscale, a forest green, a baby blue, and a pale pink.
After picking colors that I felt would match the vibe I want for my blog, I changed the main background image. Initially it was one of makeup and cosmetics that was automatically placed when I chose the theme. I have since updated it to one of water.
For now, the blog looks cute to me. As I add content and learn more about blogging and the use of social media for business, I’m sure I will update the layout and graphics and other details.
I like your choice of template and agree that it can be difficult to decide what you start with when it's unknown the topics of what we are going to convey on our blogs. I think you did a good job with your template choice! Looking forward to us in our group 4!